Monday, February 2, 2009

Luba Mason Autographed Krazy Love CD Winning Broadway Memories

Thanks big time for everyone who submitted a favorite Broadway memory! The entries that won an autographed Luba Mason Krazy Love CD are below. Look for my own discussion of the album soon.

From Dan:

Many years ago, I was taking acting classes, and the instructor told us that to help learn our craft, we needed to see how other actors performed. And since we were starving artists, he told us to wait until a Broadway show broke for intermission, then sneak into the balcony when everyone went back in. Of course, it would have to be a show that wasn’t sold out. Five of us from that class tried this with The Buddy Holly Story. I was so nervous that when the usher came around to hand out the program for Buddy’s last performance, I thought he was coming to kick us out. Fortunately, we made it through the second act, but I still wish I could have seen the whole thing. I still remember that incident and show vividly.

From Kathy:

My mother had grown up loving Broadway musicals, and I had a tradition of taking her to a show in New York on Mother's Day every year. In December of 1986, she was diagnosed with cancer and faced some life-threatening surgery. I immediately went out and bought two tickets for the new musical Les Miserables for Mother's Day 1987 and gave them to her. As we entered the Broadway Theatre that May, she told me that my faith in buying the tickets had given her the strength to fight the disease. To this day, I can't hear the Colm Wilkinson's soaring tenor without remembering that very special day.

the Broadway Mouth
January 2, 2009

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