Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Amazing Broadway Performer: Craig Bierko

It’s always difficult to tell when someone’s left Broadway for good or when they’ve only been absent because there haven’t been offers. For Craig Bierko, I’m hoping it’s only a pause.

People criticized Craig Bierko for his Harold Hill in Susan Stroman’s spectacular production of The Music Man because it was said he sounded like Robert Preston. For the record, you really can’t control the sound of your voice, and it always seemed so stupid to me that people would criticize him for having a great voice with similar qualities to Robert Preston. It’s not like he was a mimic intentionally pirating another performance.

What’s important was that Craig Bierko made the part wholly his own. His Harold Hill was set apart by youthful charm that not only sold the lyrics but sold the subtext as well. With that big friendly grin and those innocent eyes, it’s no wonder he was able to take River City for such a ride. Craig Bierko commanded that stage and gave his audience a performance more than worthy of standing on its own two feet.

I was happy to see that he landed another Broadway lead with Thou Shalt Not. While that show was not destined to be a grand showcase for this talents (I never saw it, so I can’t really comment first-hand), I hope that there will be another chance soon for Bierko to win our hearts on stage.

Unofficial Website:

the Broadway Mouth
August 29, 2007

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